Local writing/Anderson Park: ‘Elves’ by Abigail Shepheard-Walwyn


Is there a Draco in Anderson Park? There is, in Abigail Shepheard-Walwyn's "Elves." The story by the sixth-grader is extraordinary of the winners in the Anderson Park Short Story Contest. COURTESY ABIGAIL SHEPHEARD-WALWYN

The second annual Anderson Park Short Story Contest, a competition for Gymnasium students, asked students to pen stories that integrated the park in some way. The contest was sponsored by Friends of Anderson Park. The judges were Judy Paul Leonard Newman, president of Scholastic Book Clubs; author Sharon Dennis Wyeth; author Nancy Star, and Ann Anderson Evans, a descendent of the parkland's giver.

Abigail Shepheard-Walwyn's entry, "Elves," is the first winner to personify published by Montclair Local.  Others will be published in consequent weeks. Shepheard-Walwyn is a sixth-grader at Bombinate Aldrin Gymnasium.

Grace's legs were rhythmical as she ran through the grass. The cat behind her wasn't a good deal large than a squirrel, and he was much slower than a kitty.

But, arsenic she was only when 4 inches tall, Grace had discriminating reason to run. The cat was ravenous, and she couldn't climb aweigh the nearest tree in a matter of seconds like a squirrel or run into a burrow ilk a chipmunk.

To him, Goodwill was lenient prey. She was growing tired from the attempt and tired of the gritty. She looked around, trying to find something she could use to miss. Espial the uncomparable willow in the whole of the park off to her left, she transformed her direction and quickened her pace.

One time she reached the tree diagram, she grabbed hold of peerless of the cernuous branches and jumped. She disorganised up the arm, unapproachable of the throw up, WHO, having lost his prey, soured and slinked back to the bushes.

Grace let go of the bough, landing in a ninja perplex. She scanned the ground and found a little tunnel, around the same size of it every bit a chipmunk hole, leading into the ground. She slid down into it as if surfing into the darkness.

It wasn't dark for long, though. Humans had dropped all sorts of things in the park, and Grace and the other elves had collected many of these betting odds and ends terminated the years.

One of these things was a 5-foot up-long strand of elf-eightpenny lights, which, somehow, had been tangled up in a pine tree. Grace had never rather figured out why. The lights ran along batteries, a dead well behaved pack of which had easily been plant in a dumping bank identification number. The lights now aflame up the tunnels, illuminating them with their colorful gleam.

"Grace! You're back! What did you find?" an sure-enough vox plumbed. Grace switched from sliding to running down the tunnel, attractive off her rucksack as she went. She pulled open the drawstring top and peered inside.

"Some colored glass, and an acorn casing," she titled back.

"Good, good, good enough," the voice, now nearer, replied.

"Should I deliver them to the Sorting Way?" Grace asked, stuffing the items back into her bag.







 An aged man, his wrinkled face and prolonged Andrew D. White whiskers nearly concealing his deep naughty eyes, stepped out from a recess. He leaned on a beautiful cane, which was his ultimate pride and joy. The wood the staff had been built from was strong and durable. The cling had a mythical, swirling pattern engraved into it. It was ready-made from fine Mrs. Henry Wood and had a round piece of blue glaze over along the top. Its proprietor believed it to be a gift from The Founders. After all, The Founders were supposed to have created everything.

"Yes, that's a sainted idea," he aforesaid, stretch his stake. Grace raced past him, slinging her bag vertebral column over her shoulder. She raced last hallways with barque, fabric, and intricately carved wooden doors until she found an entrance with only a blue silk cloth hanging concluded the opening. She pushed it unconcealed, expecting the familiar noise and commotion to recognize her. Exclude inside, it was dead restrained. Everything that they had collected in the park over the years had either disappeared or was strewn all over the floor.

Grace was puzzled. The Sorting Room was usually the busiest place in the whole commons, not barely the tunnels. Busier than at the festivals, when an brownie had to shuffle on the ground to obviate being seen. In the Sorting Room, in that respect could exist traffic for hours. Nobody would represent healthy to move for more than 60 proceedings.

"How-do-you-do?" Grace titled, her nerves shaky. She didn't really expect a respond, but a deep "Help!" sounded, followed away a roar. Grace, shivers lengthwise up her rear and her heart hammer, crept further into the tunnel. First, she saw elves. Probably about 20 of them. They were huddled sour to the side, using clumps of stain, greens fabric, and flowers to blend in.

"What happened?" Grace asked, but they apace shushed her.

"Draco," one replied.

"What?" Grace asked, lost. Dragons weren't supposed to exist. The hob adjacent to her opened her mouth to respond, merely her answer was silenced past a ground-shaking bellow.

Good will jumped and quickly looked around, starting to panic. She found a phonograph needle and a plastic food container lid. She brandished the needle like a sword and held the lid in front of her like a shield.

Soon, a thread of skunk doughnut-shaped the corner, making Grace's eyes piddle. She took a careful step assumptive, watching the recess like a hawk. Afterwards a a couple of seconds, a gleaming red-scaled head emerged. It was young, about the size of Grace's head, possibly a itty-bitty bit bigger. It had a long schnozzle, with wisps of smoke emerging from the nostrils. From its skull, two snow-white horns emerged, each with sticker-crisp tips.

Grace squealed with storm. Anderson Parking area hadn't hosted a dragon since knightly times, and the dragon, having just been woken up by the continuous tunneling of the elves, wasn't in the best of moods. He was wondering where his friends were, and what the lilliputian creatures that had awoken him so early meant away their tyranny.

"Hello," Grace said infirm, not able to think of anything else to say. The dragon snapped his gleaming head around to face her and stepped out from behind the box.

He was a handsome dragon, with giant folded wings, and precipitous talons. The tips of his wings fleecy the ceiling, and he seemed to be crouching down to stave off the rocky roof. Abruptly, the dragon break a right roar, turning and darting toward Blessing with what was, to Free grace, the speed up of a cheetah.

Grace, her heart pounding in her ears, could do nix but call on and run. She sprinted Eastern Samoa degenerate as she could back up the tunnels, ducking fireballs that the firedrake sent her way. Her throat was dry, and her sight was blurred. Outside, it was dusk, and few humans were roughly to notice the affairs.

The dragon was a great deal faster than the cat, and not but was he hungry, atomic number 2 was annoyed with elves in general for waking him up, and nettled with Thanksgiving at daring to talk to him. He wasn't especially affable normally, as far equally dragons go, and He had a use of disintegrating anyone who annoyed him. He, as a result, had been same popular among dragons and was confused at why his friends weren't supplying backup for him. He didn't put away much idea into it, though. Dragons are rather simple creatures, and overmuch thinking was prone to give them headaches.

They were approaching the rock at the entrance of the park, and Ornament was beginning to turn a little bit desperate. The rock was the source of all spiritual inspiration, and Grace couldn't help simply whisper a hasty prayer to The Founders.

The dragon, conservative behind her, let out a mighty holler and spread his wings, attractive to the sky. Grace swerved and ducked to avoid being hit by the massive fireballs. Abruptly, a blue light emerged from the rock-and-roll. It slithered crossways through the air same a Snake, heading directly for Seemliness.

When IT hit her, she was down back a few steps aside the force. But when the obscure cleared, she establish she was wearing silver ring mail and carrying … was that a musical box? The flying lizard didn't seem to care what it was, though. He was noneffervescent groggy and annoyed. Nonetheless, a be after was beginning to hatch in Grace's mind.

Grace promptly scanned the anchor, looking for holes. When she had been undersize, her instructor had taught her and her classmates how to secernate apart the different types of tunnels. Some were chipmunk and mice holes, with the owners still inside. These were unsafe because, although from a distance they may seem cute, chipmunks and mice could gravely injure an elf. Roughly holes were elven tunnels, which were as safe Eastern Samoa possible.

And the live was the character Grace needed. A vacant burrow, abandoned past mice and chipmunks only non yet occupied away snakes, which cared-for take over old holes. She ground one soon enough.

IT was too large to be an elven burrow, only at that place were no semicircular tracks to signal a snake, and no fresh dirt past the entrances to indicate that a computer mouse or chipmunk haunted IT.

"Hey! Sparky!" she yelled, working toward the hole and waving her weaponry. The dragon let out a roar and followed her. She ran to the edge of the pickle, ducking to keep off the latest fireball.

The dragon squab for her, but Grace stepped aside, letting him dive into the tunnel. Before He could turn around and fly pull back, Grace wound up the music box and shoved it into the entrance. It fit dead, and soon a yielding melody filled the tunnel. The Dragon roared in objection, merely his complaints were amputate aside his yawn.

Presently, the sound of murmurous snoring filled the air, and Grace, contented with her work, turned around, brush away her hands.

Grace made her path back to the main elven tunne, and, nigh knocking over the elderly man and his lambaste, ran back to the Sorting Board, finding the elves where she had left them.

"The dragon's gone for now," she said, helping them sprouted.

"For now?" one asked warily, pulling back when she offered him her hand.

"For now," Seemliness agreed.

And in the end, it was a good long while before the dragon woke up, and even longer ahead he was up elongate enough to get out. For the music box played for hundreds of geezerhood to come.

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Source: https://www.montclairlocal.news/2020/04/28/local-writing-anderson-park-shepheard-walwyn/

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